Home > Inviting your clients > Direct invitation

Direct invitation

  1. From the left panel navigate to ‘Invite clients'.
  2. Type in the client's name and click on the search icon to navigate to the Invitations page.
    1. On the invitations page you can search for clients by their name, email address or company name. Results will start showing when you start typing in the search box.
  3. If no results are returned then fill in the following details:
    1. Email address
    2. Full name
    3. Company Name
  4. Click on ‘Send invitation’ button.
  5. If results are found select your intended client from the results to invite them to join you on the platform.
    1. An invitation Email will then be sent to your invitee.
    2. Invitation details will be recorded and available for you to Re-send / Withdraw at any time from the Invitations -> Sent Folder


See also
Invitation through a product enquiry