Home > My clients

My clients

  1. From My filing cabinet, navigate to ‘My clients'.
  2. You will see a list of your approved clients.
  3. Click on ‘client's name’ link to view client's profile.
  4. Click on ‘Send message’ button to send a message to this client(See section New message).
  5. You can view supplier published products under ‘Sales catalogue’ section.
  6. Click on product name to view all variants under this product.
  7. Click on variant name to view product profile page.
  8. Navigate between tabs to view full details of this variant.
  9. To source this variant from this supplier click on ‘Source’ button, verify/update product details then click on ‘Submit’ to send the RFQ to supplier.

 Only approved clients appear in ‘My clients' page. Click ‘Invite clients' button if you wish to connect with new ones.
 To remove a client from your clients list, click on the ‘Remove’ link next to client's name.
 Once you send an enquiry, an RFQ with a unique number is created. This RFQ can then be found under ‘My filing cabinet >RFQs> Pending supplier response’. You will receive a notification on the platform and by email as soon as the supplier has responded.

See also
Getting started
Login details
Home page
My settings
Inviting your clients
My mailbox
Recieve shipments
QC Reports
Track history
Global search
Getting help