Home > QC Reports

QC Reports

  1. Navigate to ‘QC Reports’ under ‘My filing cabinet’.
  2. Navigate to ‘QC untested’.
  3. Choose the product you want to report a QC test for.
  4. Click on ‘Details’ link to view shipping details of this product.
  5. Click on ‘Product name’ link to view all released batches with full details.
  6. To resolve an item without applying any tests; click directly on ‘Resolve’ button, choose the rating then submit. 
  7. To report a QC test; click on ‘QC report’ link, choose the batch you want to test then click on ‘Report QC’ button next to batch details.
  8. Fill in your reference number, rating and testing results in the ‘Message’ box then click on ‘Save’ button.

 Once saved, testing results will be sent to supplier for his review and a channel of communication is opened through messages on this item.

 Reporting a QC test for one batch makes the item tested, can be found under ‘My filing cabinet >QC reports> QC tested’. This does not prevent you to perform more tests on other batches of this item.

 If supplier has resolved your issues and you are satisfied with the solution, click on ‘Resolve’ button, choose the rating then submit.  Once resolved, the QC item will be found under ‘My filing cabinet >QC reports> Resolved’ and you will not be able to perform any QC tests on this item.

 Once all items of a purchase order are resolved; the PO will become completed and can be found under ‘My filing cabinet > Orders> Completed’.

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